Legal Technology and Innovation at HSF: An interview with Sarah d’Oliveyra and Arjuna Guruge

A 3-part video interview series


Alternative Legal Services, e-Discovery and all things legal innovation.

A 3 part interview series with Sarah d’Oliveyra and Arjuna Guruge

In this 3-part interview series, SATLA interview Herbert Smith Freehills representatives Sarah d’Oliveyra and Arjuna Guruge about Alternative Legal Services, e-discovery and all things legal innovation.



In Part 1 of this series, Sarah and AJ introduce their roles in the Alternate Legal Services Team and share some of the creative technologies that have shaped workplace culture at HSF in a post-covid world.


In Part 2 of this series, Sarah and AJ take an in-depth look at HSF legal tech solution ‘Checkmate’, discuss what is meant by ‘E-Discovery’ and consider how legal practice has changed in response to these technologies.


In Part 3 of this series, Sarah and AJ provide some useful tips and advice for students looking to keep up-to-date with the latest technologies in legal practice. They share what legal teams of the future might look like and resources that can help prepare students looking to make an impact in the industry.